Boost your energy: Time for a new challenge


It’s been a while since I’ve had a challenge to share with you guys, so it’s time for a new one don’t you think? Now what have I come up with this time…

I like a good glass of red wine. I like rosé too… or a dry white… At the pub I like a nice cold beer. A colourful cocktail is always refreshing on a hot summer evening and in the winter I can really enjoy a piping hot Italian coffee… with a splash of Amaretto that is…

No, I am not an alchoholic. Although reading above paragraph might give you that idea! But you know… during the weekend I like to unwind a bit and I like to treat myself to something alcoholic. I think I deserve that after a week of working, doing the household, running around from here to there…

But not so in February as I have joined ‘Tournée minérale’. It actually is a joined challenge here in Belgium. People try to ‘survive’ the month of February without alcohol. This challenge is also promoted by my employer and a lot of colleagues decided to join this challenge (here you can read all about ‘Tournée Minérale’ and you can also join this challenge if you feel up to it).

fresh mint tea instead of an Italian coffee for me please…

Alcohol influences your health, physically as well as mentally. It has an impact on your safety and on your behaviour. But for me there is another reason why I have joined ‘Tournée Minérale’ and it’s all got to do with my sister’s wedding on April 29th!

Of course I want to look my very best on this fabulous day. I am using lotions and potions to make my skin look radiant and I don’t skip my weekly facial. I will use some selftanning lotion to have a healthy glow. I am eating healthy not to gain any more weight as I am planning the most amazing outfit to wear,…

But there is one more thing that has it’s effect on how you look and that is your drinking habit… Besides the things you don’t see (improved liver function, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar balance, higher concentration and energy level,etc) there are so many visual effects of quitting alcohol for a month! It has a positive effect on all of your organs and as the skin is the biggest organ, I am looking forward to see what a month without alcohol actually can do to my skin.

Below is a (limited) list what quitting alcohol does to your appearance and skin:

    • Drinking alcohol is dehydrating for the skin, so if you stop drinking your skin will automatically be more hydrated. You will look younger because, your pores will decrease in size as will the amount of wrinkles!
    • Alcohol can cause inflammation of the skin. So if you stop drinking, you will have less redness in the face.
    • Alcohol has a negative effect on your sleeping pattern. So if you stop drinking alcohol, you will sleep better, which will make you feel and look fresher in the morning.
    • You will look less puffy around the eyes.

I hope I’ll be able to say no to the temptation of a nice Shiraz or a refreshing pint! It will be however quite difficult to skip all alcohol in February as I have got a few parties lined up… but I promise that I will do my utmost best to succeed!!

I will give you regular updates on how I am doing… the struggles, that I will definitely have to endure and hopefully the positive results!! Anyone care to join me? You can still register on Tournée Minérale!

Love, Kathleen

Here you can read my challenge about losing weight…

Now doesn’t this (non-alcoholic!) coffee look absolutely delicious?!

10 thoughts on “Boost your energy: Time for a new challenge

      1. Het is mij eerder al eens gelukt als weddenschap met mijn kids, maar toen kon ik zelf de periode uitkiezen. Deze keer niet… en net nu heb ik wel elk weekend (uitgezonderd het eerste) minstens één ding te doen!!! Ik ga gewoon telkens ‘bob’ zijn die avond (vindt mijn man wel heel fijn natuurlijk!!). Maar op 17 februari zet ik een joker in, want dan hebben we een proef-tasting van het huwelijksmenu van mijn zus… mét bijpassende wijntjes 🙂 die ik niet aan me voorbij zal laten gaan hoor!!! Zo fanatiek ben ik nu ook weer niet 😉 Kathleen x

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ik ga in elk geval mijn best doen alhoewel ik net deze maand wel veel te doen heb… nog een verlaat nieuwjaarsfeest met de familie van mijn echtgenoot, mijn papa zijn verjaardag met alle kids en kleinkids, een homeparty, het verjaardagsfeestje van mijn petekindje met alles erop en eraan,… maar het ergste is wel de tasting van het menu voor mijn zus haar huwelijksfeest… ik denk dat ik die avond mijn joker ga inzetten!!! 😉
      Groetjes en heel veel succes alvast!! Kathleen x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ook voor jou alvast heel veel succes toegewenst! Voor die tasting zou ik ook maar mijn joker inzetten! Ik veronderstel dat het thuis vrij gemakkelijk is, maar bij speciale gelegenheden denk ik dat het lastiger gaat zijn! Nog een fijn weekend! Sandra x

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