Wine ‘n Dine: How to drink more water


I know… drinking plain water can sometimes be a struggle, but it really doesn’t have to be… so in today’s Top Tips post, I give you plenty of tips on how to drink more water! As you all know I’m trying to ban alcohol during February as I joined a challenge ‘Tournée Minérale’. I’ve already wrote two posts about this challenge (you can read them here and here).

One of the reasons why I joined Tournée Minérale is, that I am hoping to lose a couple of kilos before my sister’s wedding. Drinking a lot of water can be really helpful in that process and usually I don’t have a problem with it.

So today I share with you some tips on how you can succeed in emptying that 1,5 liter bottle of water!

  • Drink a large glass of water before every meal.
  • Try to drink several types of water: sparkling, still, with a fruit flavour,…
  • All plain waters have a slightly different taste. Try different ones to find out which you like best!
  • If you want to empty your bottle of 1,5 litre, you can mark it with several stripes. Next to the stripes you put the hour at which you want to finish the bottle… mmm… difficult to explain… just check the picture and you’ll know what I mean 😀


  • When you have finished a glass of water, immediately refill it… when you’re having a full glass of water standing beside you, you tend to drink more!
  • I don’t like drinking plain water in the evening, but then I just make a herbal tea which is as good!


  • At home we drink tap water out of a water jug which filters the water. The kids and I also have a small bottle which filters any tap water. We can take it and refill it anywhere we want. It really encourages us to drink more water.
  • Find a ‘drinking buddy’ and challenge eachother to finish your bottle each day!
  • Whenever you eat, put a glass filled with water within reach.

Do you have any more tips on how to drink more water? Tell me in the comments!

Love, Kathleen

How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Here you can read some tips on how to stick with them!!


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