Today’s quote : music

“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music” – Aldous Huxley
Cultuurmarkt 2011

When I was 8 or 9 I really liked the song “Music” by John Miles… I told you that already on the “about me” page. Up until now, this song still really gets to me… the lyrics, the music, the dramatic solos,… yep, it really is a beautiful piece of music!

I think it was in good old 1979… that year there were quite some changes in my young life (moving house, moving school, both my parents changing jobs)… It was the year I turned 8!

And for my 8th birthday I got a special present from my dad. I do not remember my dad buying and giving us presents. That obviously was my mum’s work 🙂 but that year I can clearly remember getting a gift from my dad… it was the most beautiful canvas, striped bucketbag and in it was another surprise… he had put the John Miles single in it…

I was so glad with the canvas bucketbag (which I immediately used go to the gymnastics club) but I was over the moon with the single!

It actually was the first record I owned myself. From then on I could listen to my favorite song whenever I wanted to.

I know… in these times of I-pods, internet, youtube,… this may sound a bit odd… but I was so glad that I could put this little black disc on our record player… very carefully not too damage the delicate needle of the player!!! And whenever I hear this song now, I still think of that beautiful present I got from my dad…

I have heard John Miles perform live at the Night of the Proms in Antwerp, singing his so famous song. It was wonderful to hear it, especially as he was accompanied by a large orchestra… it was overwhelming and gave me shivers down my spine!

I have such great memories of that live performance, but what I cherish the most is the fact that I got that single from my dad.

Thank you daddy for bringing ‘music’ into my life!

Love, Kathleen

Here you can read about another childhood memory…

4 thoughts on “Today’s quote : music

  1. Oh my, childhood memories…ik houd er zo van om die te lezen, brengt ook weer van alles bij mij boven. Lp’s!! Muziek is daar zo krachtig in. Om herinneringen op te roepen. Muziek en geuren….

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  2. Ik heb tijdens één editie gewerkt op de Night of the Proms. Ik denk dat ik zeker acht of negen avonden John Miles dat heerlijke nummer live heb horen zingen. En ik kreeg er NOOIT genoeg van. Ook een van mijn favoriete nummers!

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