Today’s quote : burn-out

“That’s the thing: You don’t understand burnout unless you’ve been burned out. And it’s something you can’t even explain. It’s just doing something you have absolutely no passion for.” – Elena Delle Donne

I was always the one who saw things in a positive light, who couldn’t say no. Many times people told me “I don’t know how you find the time… you seem to never stop… Where do you get the energy?”. Well sometimes I didn’t even know that myself, but I was always able to handle anything at any time until about 7 – 8 months ago. I started to have these headaches, I was extremely tired all the time, I couldn’t concentrate anymore and last winter I have been sick several times which isn’t my habit.

It took me a long time to realise that there was something wrong. I had lost myself, I had become a stranger to myself and one day a specialist doctor said to me “I think you’ve got a burn-out”.

This was so hard for me to believe. This couldn’t  possibly be happening to me, or could it ?? But apparently it had…

Now I am not someone who sits back and do nothing… not even when I am having a burn-out ! I didn’t like who I was at the moment and if I didn’t like myself, how could others like me ? I immediately wanted to handle my problem, but I quickly realised that this is just not something that can be fixed in a couple of days…

I had a rough couple of months and I felt I had to clear this out on my own. I didn’t want to burden others with my problems. But this took time… and a lot of energy ! I selfishly did a lot of things on my own. I had to build up my energy level again and I could only do so by doing things that gave me energy. So I went out and about on my own, doing things I love… browsing in bookstores and libraries, visiting museums, taking pictures, wandering around in parks, trying on new clothes (and of course buying some stuff now and then !).

Something that also gave me energy was starting this blog. I know blogging costs energy, but just seeing this thing I created myself  gave me much more energy in return ! I’m so proud of myself for achieving this. And it actually was the start of my healing process… step by step.

Now of course I couldn’t have done this completely on my own. I’m so glad my loved ones gave me the time I needed to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. They offered help and I just had to say what they could do… Day after day I felt a bit better and that is mainly to these few people I could always count on… so thanks you guys… you know who you are !

But just at the time that I was starting to feel OK again, I was finding myself again, I found out that there were also people who doubted the seriousness of my condition. Instead of sincerely enquiring after my health they just judged me… Now that couldn’t have come at a worse time as I immediately felt so hurt and fragile again. I felt the ground slipping away from underneath my feet again. I felt insecure again and I really was afraid to relapse. Luckily I had built up enough strength and thanks to the people that do believe in me, I think I can put myself above the people who doubt me. Yes, I could be mad at them… but that would cost me too much energy… ! I just hope they will never be in the same position I have been… but I also hope that they read this post so perhaps then they see the things in a different light…

Writing this, being able to post this, means that I am healing. I’m not completely there… but with the help of my loved ones I will get there !

Love, Kathleen

10 thoughts on “Today’s quote : burn-out

  1. Oh Kathleen this could have been written by me! I too had burn out last year (I wrote about it briefly on my blog) and it was, (and still is but on a lessening scale) the hardest thing I have ever had to get over. It happened to me for various reasons, but I 100% understand how you felt. For me, I had to totally change my lifestyle, give up my business, try to think another way. Well done you for helping yourself, and I agree, blogging helped me out of the fog xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you got over your burn-out as well Kerry… it really is a hard thing to do, especially when there are people who can’t/won’t understand your situation… I didn’t have to do anything drastic like changing my career like you had to… but it certainly wasn’t easy returing to my same job. Fortunately by then, there was this lovely colleague… 20 years younger than I am, but she is just adorable and she really involves me in all these fab projects which makes going to work a challenge again!! I’m now completely healed I can say… but still very careful not to fall into the traps… I hope you can read the signs as well and prevent you from a relapse!! Take care and thanks for the honest comment… x Kathleen x

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  2. Brilliantly written. Thank you for being so honest.
    It may be quite a different thing, but I have a physical disability. Opening up and writing about my day to day differences has allowed me to really think about it. In a different way than I did before.

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    1. I honestly felt relieved when writing it… then adjusting it endlessly and when I posted it I felt so good about opening up about all this! A lot of tears have gone in this piece, and when I read it now after 2 years I still can feel how I felt at the time!! And I don’t regret writing it… it must be the same for you too. Writing about things can be such a relieve, can’t it!!! Thank god for blogging 😀 Take care and thanks for your comment! x

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  3. I’m happy that you wrote this post and shared it with us – it’s not easy to admit to a burnout! Especially when you’re the person whom others thought would be least likely to get there. Stay strong, and I’m glad blogging makes you happy and gives you strength – your readers certainly appreciate it! Much love xx


  4. Kathleen thank you so much for sharing something so personal, it’s so beautifully written too. This really did strike such a huge cord with me as I went through something very similar a few years ago & know exactly what you’ve been through and continue to go through. Blogging has helped me too… living with clinical OCD & GAD life can really pull me down into some horrid grey areas but it’s being able to get back up (albeit slowly) with the support of others… whether that be doctors, family, friends or even blog buddies. Getting back up is what really counts ❤ Karen XXXXXX

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    1. Dear Karen, thank you for these supportive, encouraging words ! They really mean a lot to me… Some people can’t understand why I post this on the web for everyone to read… well, to me it kind of was therapeutical… It was like closing a very difficult period in my life. And then I get comments like yours and that really gives me a boost ! I wish you all the very best for your health as wel… Let’s look out for eachother !
      Love, Kathleen

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      1. You are so welcome lovely!! It is very therapeutic and almost a way to off load how you feel – plus it could very well help someone else going through the same as you should they stumble upon it!
        Absolutely, looking out for each other is essential 🙂 Always here if you need a chat Kathleen XXXX

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