Belgium: Leuven

The impressive town hall of Leuven

Last Monday I went to Leuven. There was another bloggers’ meeting on the agenda (like the one I had in Antwerp a couple of months ago of which you can read in this post). We met up at 2 am, but I decided to go a bit earlier and have a quick walk through Leuven before meeting up with my fellow bloggers… this little stroll was enough for me to decide that I want to re-visit Leuven again as it certainly is a lovely town. 

From the train station I walked towards the market place going through the Bondgenotenlaan, which is the main shopping street from Leuven. All large beauty and fashion brands have a store in Leuven so you could easily spend a whole day shopping…

Martelarenplein, near the train station

The must-see on the market place in Leuven is without any doubt the stunning townhall. This 15th century building is a fantastic example of the gothic style. It stands tall and proud on the market place and it really is an impressive building.

The impressive town hall in Leuven.


The market place.
Market place

I walked towards the Oude Markt which is a big place surround by lovely renovated houses. There are a lot of pubs and restaurants on this place and a lot of events are organised here. Then I walked through the Naamsestraat where there are several colleges and faculties from the University from Leuven, which is one of the oldest universities in Europe.

Beautifully restored buildings at the Oude Markt.
Oude Markt
Oude Markt
University Hall

Leuven definitely is a student town. There are heaps of pubs, restaurants, coffee bars and in one of these coffee bars, we had our bloggers’ meeting. Well… meeting… it’s really a low key get together with some fellow bloggers…  In Noir Coffeebar we installed ourselves in some sofas and over a cup of coffee we were all chattering away about one topic in particular… our blog! We immediately got on really well, even though most of us didn’t know eachother until that afternoon… kindred spirits you know 😉


Most of us are still quite new to the blogging world and we all are still in the process of setting up a blog, doubting about which way we want to go with our blog, do we have a niche… or not? Do we need a niche? What do you do about the use of photos, which theme do you use,…

As during the blogger’s meeting in Antwerp, I was the eldest of the bunch. One other lady was in her mid thirties, but all the others were young girls, students in their (very) early twenties… but again that didn’t bother me… And I don’t think my ‘mature’ age didn’t bother them either as we all had one passion in common… our blog!

Before we knew it a couple of hours had passed and there had been not one awkward silence! I had to leave a bit earlier than most as I had quite a long train ride home, but I was glad I had made the effort to go all the way to Leuven to meet these lovely girls!

Love, Kathleen

Go check out the blogs of these lovely girls! 

bloggers' meeting
From left to right : Jozefien, Marijke, Eva, Isabelle, me, Vicky, Sandra and Julie (photo credits : Eva Grosemans)

Eva : Her name is Eva (beauty & lifestyle blog in Dutch)

Isabelle : Lifestyle Isabelle (beauty & lifestyle blog in Dutch)

Jozefien : Fulfilling daydreams tonight (lifestyle blog in Dutch)

Julie : Vie de Julie (lifestyle blog in Dutch)

Marijke : Kalliopia (lifestyle blog in Dutch)

Sandra : Miss Paperfection (creative blog in Dutch)

Vicky : Mangobananalife (lifestyle blog in Dutch)

The town hall at sunset.





9 thoughts on “Belgium: Leuven

  1. Natuurlijk vonden wij het niet erg dat jij er bij was! Ik vond het leuk om het bloggen vanuit verschillende leeftijden en perspectieven te zien 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh merci Jozefien! Vorige keer in Antwerpen was ik ook al met vlag en wimpel de oudste 🙂 Bloggen is hier in België nu eenmaal nog niet echt schering en inslag en al zeker niet bij de mensen van mijn leeftijdscategorie 🙂 Het is inderdaad leuk om er zo ongedwongen over te kunnen praten. Andere mensen bekijken je blog misschien wel regelmatig, maar er zo echt twee uur aan een stuk over praten kan je alleen maar met gelijkgestemde zielen, niet ?! Groetjes en alvast een prettig weekend gewenst! Kathleen

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ja zo is het! Zeker de handige tips kan je in zo een bloggermeeting gewoon vragen 🙂
        Voor jou ook alvast een fijn weekend!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ik moet er echt nog wel eens een hele dag voor uittrekken want ik wil ook het M museum doen… maar nu had ik maar een uurtje de tijd voor de meeting… in wind en regen! Dus volgende keer pik ik een mooie dag uit:-) Groetjes!

      Liked by 1 person

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